Detox Slimming Plus Juice
Slimming Plus Detox JuiceMade IN ThailandNet Weight: 150g (15g×10bags)যাদের পেটের মেদ বা চর্বি ও বাড়তি ওজন কোনভাবেই কমছেনা।যারা অনেক কিছু করেও ফল পাচ্ছেন না।এই স্লিমিং প্লাস ডেটোক্স জুসটি খেয়ে দেখুন।যারা ৫/৮ কেজি ওজন কমাতে চাচ্ছেন তাদের জন্য৷অতিরিক্ত ওজন আমাদের জন্য অনেক ক্ষতিকারক৷এটি আপনার শরীরের বিভিন্ন রােগের কারণ৷তাই দ্রুত এই ওজন কমানাে উচিৎ।৳ 999৳ 1,650Detox Slimming Plus Juice
৳ 999৳ 1,650 -
FROZEN Collagen 2 in 1 Whitening and Acn Solution – Thailand
Benefits of Frozen Collagen Capsule
- You will see results quickly .
- Permanent face and whole body Whitening 4-5 shade.
- Remove Mesta from the Skin
- Will remove acne and black spots.
- Reduce the impression of age.
- It will tighten the skin.
- Nourishes the bones.
- Reducing the chances of arthritis.
- Prevents skin sagging.
- Make the skin soft and lotus
- Helps to reduce wrinkles and repairs skin.
- Will help to tighten the pores of the skin.
- You will be permanently fair from the inside.
- The whole body will be fair
- Removes harmful toxins in the liver, lungs, kidneys.
- Blood will clean
- Will make the skin smooth and glow
৳ 1,350৳ 2,100FROZEN Collagen 2 in 1 Whitening and Acn Solution – Thailand
৳ 1,350৳ 2,100 -
Max Curve Slimming Coffee – 150gm
- Max Curve Slimming Coffee – 150gm.
- Brand: Max.
- Product Type: Slimming Coffee.
- Net Weight: 150gm.
- This is keep yourself weight free at the right time, free from disease and fit.
- Diet will reduce body fat, reduce weight without exercises.
- Beautiful figure will build up.
- Full body fat will be attractive.
- Balance will nourish.
৳ 799৳ 850Max Curve Slimming Coffee – 150gm
৳ 799৳ 850 -
Double pack : Frozen Detox+Frozen Collagen Whitening x10 Glutathione 9000 mg Reduce acne Freckles Melasma Aura Whitening Lightening Skin anti-aging Lightening Skin Reduce Acne Hair Nails
UNITS 2.00 count COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Thailand COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF PRIMARY INGREDIENT(S) Thailand BRAND Gluta Frozens Reduces melismas, freckles, and dark spots
- Helps with intestinal detoxification
- Drives away fats and waste from the body
- Firms up the body, reduce belly fats, and promotes flat stomach
- Promotes skin to be moisturized and smooth